White shrimp, with the scientific name Litopenaeus vannamei, is one of the species of shrimp farming most important in the world. Thanks to the ability to adapt well to the environment bred artificially and fast growth rate, white shrimp has contributed significantly to the development of the fisheries sector in many countries, including Vietnam. With delicious flavors and high nutritional value, white shrimp is not only common food source, but also is export items to bring great economic benefits. The same Aquatic AQ learn in-depth about white Shrimp is what and detailed overview below.
White shrimp is what?
White leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) originate from the waters of the Eastern pacific Ocean. This is one of the types of seafood are aquaculture and capture today's popular in the world thanks to the economic value and the ability to adapt to many environmental conditions differences.
Đặc điểm Tôm thẻ chân trắng
It is commonly known as the shrimp, Silver, have thin crust white opaque and often bring in blue, with beef legs are white, ivory. The clubs stretching from the belly, with 2-4 serrated, sometimes up to 5-6 serrated bottom, extending to burn Monday. Peel the top of the chest of shrimp have the spikes and tendons beard markedly, with no eyes and tail (lesbian telsson), as well as without grooves behind the eyes. Moldings rear clubs last long, sometimes from the edge of the shell, head, chest, longer moldings side "club" brief, lasting only to gai epigastric.
Shrimp has 6 burn belly with burning carrying eggs slotted abdomen narrow or no. Tail (telsson) no branching, and beard of shrimp is much shorter than with armor, no lesbian, mature. Exposure measures of mandibular second elongated with 3-4 rows, and the last part the same as the roi. Lesbian basial and ischial located in the first burning of tits.
>>> Continue reading: Causes And Treatment Of The Disease For Shrimp With Curved Body And Chiseled Body
The gender vannamei
White shrimp are of two types is shrimp and shrimp ram. For the shrimp ones, in pairs, legs, tits, Monday, 4 and 5 have a body like a lid, is called the Thelycum, the agency open to get bags from shrimp ram. Meanwhile, shrimp males when mature about sex, there will be bag called the Petasma, located on two pairs of abdominal legs first.
White shrimp reproduce by mating and fertilization in, unlike many species of invertebrates other. The process of mating primarily occurs at night when the shrimp in the preparation of egg-laying. Shrimp male will chase the shrimp ones, use beard and chủy to push slightly below the tail. When the shrimp that swim up from the bottom of the shrimp, the male will swim by, flip up and hugged shrimp that to attach the bag on. After a few hours or several days, the shrimp will drop the fertilized egg into the water. At this time, the shrimp will tilt the torso, swimming slowly in a circle on the water and release the eggs from two hole lay at the root, legs, tits, Tuesday.
White shrimp soon reach a mature student, with females weighing from 30-45g can reproduce, lay about 100,000-250,000 and eggs each time. After spawning, the ovaries continue to grow and only after 2-3 days, shrimp that can continue to lay eggs.
Habitat of white leg Shrimp
Tôm thẻ chân trắng là gì? Đây là loài tôm thuộc vùng nhiệt đới, ban đầu phân bố tại ven biển Đông Thái Bình Dương. Ngày nay, loài tôm này đã được nuôi trồng rộng khắp trên thế giới, nhất là ở các nước khu vực Đông Á và Đông Nam Á. Tôm có thể sống trong nước mặn, nước lợ và nước ngọt, nhưng mức độ mặn tối ưu cho sự sinh trưởng của chúng là từ 10-25‰.
The other environmental conditions suitable for white-leg shrimp development include:
- Temperature range from 26-32°C
- Between pH 7,5-8,5
- Dissolved oxygen: on 5 mg/l
- Alkalinity: 120-180 mg CaCO3/l
- In: 30-35 cm
- Hardness: from 20 to 150 ppm
- Nitrite (NO2-):
- Ammonia (NH3):
- Sunphua Hydrogen (H2S):
Stages of development of white Shrimp
Tôm sinh trưởng với tốc độ nhanh, chỉ cần 180 ngày để phát triển từ trứng thụ tinh đến khi đạt kích thước trưởng thành (khoảng 40g/con). White shrimp trải qua các giai đoạn phát triển rõ ràng, bao gồm:
Embryonic stage
From when the egg is fertilized to time the eggs hatch out, the process of development of embryo shrimp depends on water temperature, with duration typically lasts from 14-16 hours.
The larval stage
Sau khi nở, tôm bước vào giai đoạn ấu trùng tôm thẻ chân trắng với nhiều lần lột xác và thay đổi hoàn toàn hình thái, bao gồm các giai đoạn chính:
Nauplius (N): Consists of 6 stages, mature (N1-N6). Larvae Nauplius swimming by 3 feet, milf, move styled in a zigzag formation, not continuous and not in the given direction. In this stage, we haven't eaten food in addition to that live off yolk stored in the body.
Zoea (Z): Includes 3 stages women (Z1-Z3). Each stage Zoea lasts from 30 to 40 hours, and the morphology of the larvae Zoea change markedly compared with stage Nauplius earlier.
Mysis (M): Include 3 phase filler (M1-M3). Larvae, Mysis lifestyle float, swim by flicking backwards and often hang themselves upside down in the water with the top down. This stage, we catch prey actively with food is zooplankton and algae Silicon.
Postlarvae (PL): Còn gọi là giai đoạn hậu ấu trùng (giai đoạn Shrimp). Ấu trùng PL bắt đầu mang hình dáng giống tôm trưởng thành nhưng chưa hoàn thiện về sắc tố. Chúng bơi theo hướng nhất định, hoạt động nhanh nhẹn và bắt mồi chủ động, chủ yếu là động vật phù du. Ở những ngày đầu, ấu trùng tôm thẻ chân trắng vẫn sống trôi nổi, nhưng từ ngày thứ 9-10, chúng bắt đầu chuyển sang sống đáy hoàn toàn.
Stages of early childhood, young
From stage PL5, white shrimp entered a period early teens. In this stage, the shrimp had the bearing system fully developed and moved to the bottom. The characteristics such as antenna 2 and pigment body also continues to grow. This is the stage equivalent to the late stage of shrimp powder and early stage juveniles in the production, lasting from PL5 to PL20.
In the period, teen, white shrimp begin to have stability in terms of the number of legs and the external genital organs begin to form, though still not complete. This stage is equivalent to the stage of seed and feed the meat in the manufacturing industry. The end of the stage, teen, shrimp that often grow faster than the shrimp ram.
Mature stage
This phase marks the completion of the external genital organs of shrimp. Shrimp males start contains the sperm in the seminal vesicles, and shrimp that had taken mating for the first time. The unevenness in the development between the two sexes is shown more clearly in this period.
Khi đã trưởng thành, tôm thẻ chân trắng có khả năng sinh sản và bắt đầu di cư ra vùng biển xa bờ, nơi nước có độ trong cao và độ mặn ổn định. Trong tự nhiên, trứng tôm sẽ phát triển ngoài khơi và sau đó trôi dạt vào bờ theo dòng nước. Tại vùng triều, ấu trùng sẽ chuyển sang giai đoạn PL và tiếp tục di chuyển vào vùng cửa sông, nơi chúng phát triển thành ấu niên. Trong thời kỳ ấu niên và thiếu niên, tôm sinh sống ở các khu vực cửa sông phong phú dinh dưỡng.
When reached to the stage of near-mature and mature, the shrimp will move to the inter-tidal zone has a depth of from 7 to 20 meters. The adults and have completed the development will move out to sea depth of about 70 meters to make the process of reproduction.
The strength of the vannamei Shrimp biology AQ
Economic benefits when vannamei shrimp
Vannamei shrimp biology AQ bring the economic benefits significantly thanks to the speed rapid development of the species of this shrimp. Shrimp can reach the size of harvest after only 3-4 months of culture, help farmers to harvest early, save cost and ensure stable profit. Added to that, the white shrimp is one of the fishery products exported from Vietnam open up many business opportunities and increase income for farmers.
>>> Refer to: Giống tôm sinh học Aqua Quality (AQ) B201 đến với bà con nuôi tôm miền Tây
Nutrition from white shrimp
White shrimp bio-AQ is to supply abundant nutrition, protein, vitamin and mineral quality. They provide a large amount of vitamin B12 and contains more antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids with the essential minerals. With low fat, white shrimp is the ideal choice for dieters, while high-quality protein to help support muscle health.
Ngoài ra, tôm thẻ chân trắng sinh học AQ cũng cung cấp acid béo omega-3, có tác dụng giảm viêm, củng cố hệ miễn dịch và cải thiện khả năng nhận thức. Chúng còn là nguồn phong phú magiê, phốt pho và kẽm, tạo nên một bữa ăn bổ dưỡng và cân bằng cho sức khỏe.
Environmental impact
White shrimp can grow in many different types of environments such as mud, brackish water, fresh water and salt water, this helps farmers can choose the method adopted in accordance with the conditions of their reality.
Việc nuôi tôm thẻ chân trắng không chỉ giúp làm sạch môi trường bằng cách loại bỏ các chất ô nhiễm từ nước mà còn giảm nồng độ nitơ và phốt pho thông qua việc tiêu thụ tảo và các chất hữu cơ. Điều này rất quan trọng trong việc duy trì chất lượng nước và tạo điều kiện cho một môi trường sống lành mạnh cho các sinh vật khác.
White shrimp are favorites on the market and international Vietnam, prompting many farmers selected species of shrimp, this main object in the crop of them. Though profitable, the vannamei shrimp still faced with many challenges. Problems like epidemics, the volatility of prices, food supply, farming techniques and the fierce competition from other countries is the major obstacle.
Therefore, to achieve success in shrimp farming, people need to carefully consider the potential risks and prepare preventive measures. In addition, the enhanced knowledge and improved farming techniques are essential to ensure the quality of the shrimp reach the highest level.