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Brand AQ (Aqua Quality), carry the mission to improve the difficult situation the current of the shrimp aquaculture industry, and towards sustainable development.

Causes of white shrimp eat the weak give up and how to handle effectively

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Causes of white shrimp eat the weak give up and how to handle effectively

The white shrimp eat the weak, remove food is always the constant worry of the shrimp. When the shrimp do not eat, they will slowly, vulnerability to disease and the survival rate decreased dramatically, causing economic damage large. To help farmers overcome this situation, the article will go in-depth analysis of the causes white shrimp eat the weak and given the solution process efficiency.

Causes of white Shrimp eat the weak give up and slowly

Due to environmental factors impact

Shrimp is species have the ability to feel the environment is very sensitive. Therefore, any changes in our environment can cause negative influence to the process of absorption and digestion, which leads to phenomena shrimp skip meals. A number of environmental factors can be the cause of this condition include: temperature change abruptly, the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases sharply, or the appearance of toxic gases in the pond.

About the temperature problem, the shrimp are animals turn up the heat, which means they are easy to be affected by the change of ambient temperature. White shrimp feed consumption and develop optimal when the temperature is in the range from 25°C – 30°C (with shrimp, about the suitable temperature is between 28°C – 30°C). When water temperature drops below 25°C, the amount of food that the shrimp absorption can be reduced from 30 – 40%. In particular, when the temperature dropped below 20°C, shrimp almost stopped eating and fell into a state of “drop bottom”. This phenomenon often occurs when the shrimp farmers in the east in the Central region, Northern or after prolonged rain water temperature in the pond decreased abruptly.

white shrimp eat the weak
The environment is 1 of the factors that impact on the shrimp makes them very easy to remove food

Do dissolved Oxygen

When the DO level in the pond reaches ≥ 5mg/l, shrimp respiratory good and food consumption strong. However, when DO falls below 2mg/l, shrimp may be impaired, resulting in reduced power to eat or skip meals altogether. Causes of work DUE to the low loss may include:

  • System fan or water aeration machines do not operate stable.
  • Overcast weather or heavy rain, making the algae can't photosynthesis to create oxygen dissolved.
  • The appearance of many substances suspended in the pond, clinging to bring shrimp and obstruct breathing.

>>> Continue reading: Learn the process general larval white shrimp

Due to the effects of poison gas

H2S, NH3 and NO2 are the types of poison gas caused the accumulation of waste in the pond are not handled in a timely fashion (such as uneaten food, feces shrimp, shrimp shell,...). The toxic gas is dangerous, top with the shrimp, when the concentration increases, shrimp't eat as much and as quickly fell to the bottom.

  • Toxic gas H2S: When standing at the end of the pond with the wind, will smell the rotten eggs, indication of gas H2S are appearing. In the morning, the gas shrimp't eat due to low pH, increases the toxicity of it. If H2S at a high level, bring the shrimp will be cyanosis, leading to fall to the bottom.
  • Toxic gases such as NH3, NO2: The type of gas this makes shrimp't eat in the afternoon, when the pH in the pond increases. NO2 boost high at this point will cause poisoning for shrimp, shrimp lose the ability to toxic waste, causing disorders of the osmotic pressure in the body and lead to phenomena shrimp dropped to the bottom.

Due to poor food quality

In addition to environmental factors, food quality also has a direct impact to the shrimp feed and speed of our development. If a farmer accidentally choose the right food, poor quality, or preserving food is not properly made food moldy or expired, the shrimp will not interested in eating, which leads to the shrimp eat less or skip meals.

white shrimp eat the weak
Food sources of poor quality, causing health shrimp is seriously affected

When prawn feed, the ability to hunt prey of them also decreased, shrimp disease, slow-growing and difficult to reach sizes as large as desired.

Due to Shrimp disease

Causes of white shrimp eat the weak, put food may be derived from the infectious diseases due to viruses and bacteria cause. The common diseases such as white feces, bowel disease, or virus, HPV, MBV parasitic in the liver, the pancreas can all make shrimp malnourished, eat the weak, may even die as the disease progresses heavy.

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Timetable for Shrimp feed not science

The feeding properly at each stage of development is very important. If food intake is not distributed evenly, too little or too much, will lead to a situation shrimp uneven development, stunted, at the same time increases the amount of excess waste in the pond (the source of the toxic gas and high-hovering) – the cause of the condition shrimp anorexia, growth retardation, and prone to infection.

white shrimp eat the weak
Shrimp infected with the disease also 1 part of feeding time unreasonable

How to handle when white Shrimp eat the weak

When shrimp, children need regular check shrimp has up to eat or not to clearly define the cause of shrimp anorexia, from which implement the appropriate measures as follows:

The first thing to note is food for the shrimp. Mom, I need to determine whether food quality good enough to attract shrimp or not. If the quality of the food does not meet the requirements, people should be replaced immediately and choose what kind of food derived clear, at the same time have size, colors and shapes evenly, the surface smooth, fragrant, attractive and long-soluble in water, especially to have the ability to stimulate the shrimp catch prey. Besides, the use of digestive enzymes beneficial daily will also help enhance resistance to shrimp, stimulating catch prey and prevent disease caused by Vibrio bacteria.

The oxygen content in shrimp ponds is an important factor that should be taken. To achieve this, people should be enhanced aeration, water and aeration ensures that the amount of dissolved oxygen in the pond is always greater than 4 ppm, with the optimal level is above 5 ppm.

If the change in temperature of water is the cause, should immediately reduce the amount of food for the shrimp by about 30% compared with conventional. In particular, children should wait until sundown to ensure the level of dissolved oxygen satisfactory, then for the shrimp.

Use of microbial preparations is one of the effective solutions to stimulate the eating of shrimp. The beneficial bacteria in the food will compete and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, helps to shrimp healthy right from the initial stages, thereby minimizing disease risks in the future.