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Brand AQ (Aqua Quality), carry the mission to improve the difficult situation the current of the shrimp aquaculture industry, and towards sustainable development.

Food for white Shrimp in each stage of growth

Đây là tiêu đề

Thêm một đoạn văn bản ở đây. Nhấp vào ô văn bản để tùy chỉnh nội dung, phong cách phông chữ và màu sắc của đoạn văn của bạn.

Food for white Shrimp in each stage of growth

Thành phần thức ăn và phương pháp tính lượng thức ăn là yếu tố quan trọng mà nhiều người nuôi tôm thẻ chân trắng luôn chú ý đến, vì nó có ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến năng suất và lợi nhuận khi thu hoạch. Cùng Thủy sản AQ tìm hiểu thêm về những loại thức ăn cho tôm thẻ chân trắng và cách cân đối lượng thức ăn hợp lý trong bài viết dưới đây.

Food for vannamei, including what types are there?

Tôm thẻ chân trắng là loài ăn tạp, nhưng thức ăn có nguồn gốc động vật thường được chúng ưa thích. Đã có nhiều nghiên cứu hướng tới việc đáp ứng tối ưu các nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của chúng trong điều kiện nuôi (Cuzon et al. 2004). Thức ăn cho tôm cần cung cấp đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng như protein, lipid, carbohydrate, cùng với vitamin và khoáng chất, được kết hợp theo tỷ lệ phù hợp để đảm bảo sức khỏe và phát triển của tôm.

There are three forms of formal dress for vannamei today:

  • Natural food: types including plankton, organic detritus, and plants that live in water.
  • Homemade food: made from raw materials such as snails, fish magazine and by-products from industrial.
  • Food industry: Due to the factory professional manufacture.

After the level of water in ponds, water color often cause after about two days, help develop microscopic plankton and stable water environment. However, in the early days when the drop shrimp, water color, hard and stable quality natural food was very less. Also, homemade food, especially when administered in the form of fresh, easy-to-pollute pond water, by poor adhesion and nutrition, especially protein, unsatisfactory. The adjustment of food intake also troubled, prone to excess or lack. Therefore, in the early stages, so for shrimp feed industry to ensure nutritional resources and keeping the environment clean ponds. At the same time, need to supplement the minerals, digestive enzymes, Vitamin C, E and oil ink.

Food for white Shrimp
The first phase should for the shrimp feed industry to ensure nutritional resources and keeping the environment clean ponds

Calculate diets for white Shrimp

The amount of food for white Shrimp in the first month

The first thing I need done is to calculate food intake for vannamei based on the weight of the shrimp, then divide evenly into the meal of the day. If in the pond are still many impurities and plankton, people should reduce the amount of food compared to the level recorded on the product packaging. This helps avoid excess food, prevent the toxic gas in the pond cause mortality.

In 1 the first month, the total amount of food needed to provide for 100,000 children vannamei is about 160kg. Specific as follows:

  • The first day, need about 2.5 kg of feed for 100,000 shrimp.
  • From day 2 to day 7, increased 100g per day.
  • From the 8th to the 14th day, plus 200g per day.
  • From the 15th to the 30th day, rising to 300g per day.

So difficult to determine the correct amount of food for white shrimp consumption in the first months, people should be fed less than the recommendations of the manufacturer when used in food industry. Every day should divide the food into 4-5 meals to ensure shrimp, provided enough nutrition.

>>> Continue reading: White shrimp is what? Detailed overview about white shrimp-standard

Some notes in the process of feeding and pond management in the first month:

  • By day 7, don't use too 3,1 kg food for 100,000 shrimp, and 30th day, not to exceed 9.1 kg/day.
  • Need to closely manage the amount of food, the intestines shrimp before adjustment.
  • In the first months, should regularly monitor the water environment and timely handling of excess food to avoid contamination, promote healthy development.
  • If white shrimp feed industry, intestinal usually brown, black. If found, natural shrimp, black, dark brown, that means shrimp, teen, food, and to eat organic detritus or manure in the pond.
First month, people should be fed less than the recommendations of the manufacturer when used in food industry
For the food industry the first month, people should be fed less than the recommendations of the manufacturer

The amount of food for white Shrimp in the 2nd month

From January Monday onwards, the feeding should be calculated carefully to achieve optimum efficiency. Below are the important elements to help you identify the right amount of food need to provide for the shrimp:

  • The number of shrimp (I)
  • The average weight of shrimp (I/kg)
  • Survival rate of shrimp (density shrimp rest)

Other than the first month, in the months following, the control of food intake can not rely on the estimates again. Children need to accurately assess the esteem of men, shrimp current in the pond to take out the amount of food accordingly.

Feed management for the white shrimp should be based on the actual weight of shrimp. Food intake need to drop into the pond will be calculated as a percentage compared to the total weight of shrimp stocks out there.

(*) Ví dụ: Một con tôm nặng 6,5g và tổng số tôm trong ao là 250.000 con. Khi đó, tổng trọng lượng của đàn tôm sẽ là 6,5g x 250.000 con = 1.625kg. Dựa vào bảng phần trăm thức ăn so với trọng lượng tôm, bà con có thể thấy tôm nặng 6,5g/con sẽ cần khoảng 4,1% lượng thức ăn so với tổng trọng lượng đàn tôm. Vậy lượng thức ăn cho 250.000 con tôm mỗi ngày sẽ là: 1.625kg x 4,1% = 66,6kg. 

After calculating the amount of food, you should divide the total number of food into 4 times of day for feeding:

  • Times 1 (accounted for 25% of food intake): for the shrimp to eat at about 8: 30am.
  • Times 2 (accounting for 20% of feed): for the shrimp at about 1pm.
  • Times 3 (accounting for 25% of feed): for the shrimp to eat on the 5: 30pm.
  • Times 4 (accounting for 30% of feed): for the shrimp at about 8pm.

From the next month, people can reduce the number of feeding times down to 2-3 times per day, especially when conditions ponds favorable and there is enough light.

Food for white Shrimp
Food intake need to drop into the pond will be calculated as a percentage compared to the total weight of shrimp stocks available

Principles for vannamei standard feed science

1. Phased

Giai đoạn từ 7 đến 10 ngày sau khi thả giống: Trong giai đoạn này, thức ăn cho tôm thẻ chân trắng bà con cần cho tôm ăn ở khu vực cách bờ 2 – 4m. Lúc này, thức ăn nên ở dạng bột mịn. Để đảm bảo thức ăn được phân bố đều, bà con nên tắt quạt nước, sau đó trộn thức ăn với nước trước khi tạt xuống ao.

Ngày thứ 10 sau khi thả giống: Đưa một lượng nhỏ thức ăn dạng hạt nhỏ vào sàng để tôm làm quen và dễ kiểm tra lượng thức ăn dư thừa. Sàng nên được đặt ở vị trí bằng phẳng, cách bờ 1,5 – 2m và cách cánh quạt nước 12 – 15cm, không đặt ở góc ao. Khoảng 1.600 – 2.000m² nên có một sàng. Sau 15 ngày, bà con có thể bổ sung các chất hỗ trợ như vitamin và khoáng chất theo hướng dẫn của nhà cung cấp để tăng cường sức khỏe cho tôm.

>>> Refer to: Explore each step in the production process like vannamei standard

2. Food intake

  • The first day, for vannamei about 2.8 – 3 kg/100.000 children.
  • In the first 10 days, increase the amount of food added 0.4 kg/100.000 children per day.
  • From day 10 to day 20, the amount of food increased by 0.5 kg/100.000 children per day.

3. The number of times feeding

  • In the new drop, can for the shrimp to eat 5 – 6 meals/day to help shrimp digest food better.
  • When the shrimp reached 30 days of age, should reduce the number of meals down to 4 meals/day.
  • The amount of food in each meal can be adjusted depending on the specific conditions of the pond as water quality, weather, and the use of chemicals.
Food for white Shrimp
Each stage specific food intake drop-down pond will split into many small meals in a day

Note when using food for white Shrimp

  • If after 2 days that the food has run out, you should increase the amount of food go up by 10-20%. Conversely, if the shrimp do not consume the food or when changing the type of food, let's check the status of the intestines and feces of shrimp, and reduce food intake by 30-50%.
  • In the stage of shrimp has not peel periodically 10-15 days, it is best to stop feeding so that they can eat those scraps of leftover food off of the bottom. This not only reduce the amount of leftovers but also improve water quality, especially in the stage of shrimp from 30-80 days of age.
  • When the weather is sunny and algae thrive, providing more natural food, check out the intestines of shrimp to view the amount of natural food has many don't. If there is a sudden change in the environment, such as the increase in the ammonia gas, stop feeding from 1-2 days. At the same time, for food down to check the operation catch of shrimp and adjust the amount of food accordingly.
  • Always keep track of shrimp ponds. If you see the shrimp become too fat, stop to eat a few meals or reducing the amount of food down to 70-80% to maintain the shrimp beautifully.
  • In the period from 1 to 40 days of age, so use a food is high in protein from 40-50%. From day 41 back away, turning to food protein from 30-35% for the time to harvest.
  • After 30 days drop shrimp, test weight shrimp and compare with the guide to feeding. Proceed to test weight shrimp periodically every 10 days and adjust the amount of food according to instructions.
  • If you find shrimp uneven in size, this may be due to lack of food. Please add the food to ensure the uniformity and growth of shrimp.

Thủy sản AQ đã cung cấp cho bà con hướng dẫn chi tiết về cách tính lượng thức ăn cho tôm thẻ chân trắng một cách hợp lý. Việc nắm vững các kiến thức này sẽ giúp bà con quản lý lượng thức ăn hiệu quả, tránh tình trạng thức ăn thừa trong ao nuôi, điều này có thể dẫn đến sự phát sinh khí độc và ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng nuôi trồng. Nếu có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, hãy liên hệ ngay với Aquatic AQ qua Hotline 0983.429.866 để được các chuyên gia hàng đầu của chúng tôi hỗ trợ và tư vấn miễn phí toàn bộ quy trình.