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Brand AQ (Aqua Quality), carry the mission to improve the difficult situation the current of the shrimp aquaculture industry, and towards sustainable development.

Technical Shrimp biology AQ – Aqua Quality B201

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Technical Shrimp biology AQ – Aqua Quality B201

Technology applications engineering shrimp biology advanced AQ pledge not to use antibiotics or chemicals, ensuring safety for the environment and product quality. Thanks distribution system strong, from the domestic market to international, with the companions of the association crop AQ putting the shrimp-like quality closer to the feed. Center AQ proud to partner strategically with the Benchmark Genetics , ensure the supply of postlarvae stable and superior. With the broodstock B201 carefully selected, adapted perfectly to the conditions, edaphic Vietnam and disease resistance superiority, outstanding. Center AQ also bring solutions, technical shrimp optimal for the aquaculture industry.

Center, hatchery production, biological AQ (Aqua Quality) not only provide products, but also as a reliable partner, always willing to share knowledge, experience, technical shrimp and support farmers achieve success, contributing to community building, shrimp, sustainable and effective. At the same time, AQ pioneer in applying technology, waste water treatment, modern, ensure waste water standards before discharging to environment protection ecosystem and promote the development of green, sustainable for the future.

Strategic vision of AQ on technology technical shrimp

With strategic vision towards sustainable development, AQ constantly research and improve the production process, applied technology solutions – technical shrimp modern to improve the efficiency and quality of shrimp. Each lot of seed shrimp are inspected strictly, guaranteed to bring the same healthy, fast growth and high productivity, meet the expectations of farmers in all conditions.

AQ also focus on building strong relationships with community, shrimp, organization, programs, workshops, training and consultation, technical shrimp. Through it, farmers not only get the products shrimp biology AQ Aqua Quality quality but also reach the new knowledge, advanced production capacity and optimize returns.

In addition, AQ committed to the long-term partners and customers through the policy, comprehensive support, from technical shrimp to solution consumption output products. This not only helps the pet peace of mind development, but also contribute to the construction value chain in fisheries, powerful, stable and full potential.

With the business philosophy of humanities and orientation, innovation, AQ not only made his mark in the fisheries sector, which also confirmed the role as a business pioneer in environmental protection and build the green economy. Journey of AQ not only is the story about sustainable development, but also is committed to bringing sustainable value for the community and society.

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